






Professor Charles Francis Xavier, who has the mutant ability to read minds, searches for new mutants to train them how to use their powers for good and to prevent the mutants from harming themselves and others at his School for Gifted Youngsters. His opposition, Magneto Master of Magnetism, is doing the same thing, but for evil purposes. He has made Mystique who is a shape-shifter, a principle of his high school to gather evil mutants to prepare them for war against non-mutants. The most interesting plot of the story is that all the heroes and villains attend the same high school. The classic battle of good vs. evil has begun again.法律与秩序 第二十三季雪莉宝贝占据2020拳愿阿修罗 Part.2孤星剑国语忠犬八公的故事(2009)武道独尊动态漫画第2季上国赋卡住人生豪情盖天大香港粤语二见钟情乱马 OVA特别篇 无差别格斗对凤凰末路狂奔2012痞子遇到爱不只是朋友国歌太空堡垒我所看到的都是你2016因为遇见你辣妈正传专业玩家妖孽出山死神写不出来!?衍生剧~大学生仙川俊也的无剧情人生~消失那天爱上你告密者2013莲花楼教师爆蛋晶英我的爸爸是森林之王空中的飞鸟岳:冰峰救援诸天至尊之仙剑问情错误的地方血色土地 第二季天堂岛疑云第四季朋友和陌生人20世纪少年凌霄

