

主演:Marty Grabstein





  Courage the Cowardly Dog follows the story of the life of a little pink cowardly dog who was named Courage when he was found by Muriel. When he was a baby, one of his vet appointments ended being the last time he saw his dog parents. During that day, while the yet made baby Courage wait in the waiting room, he sent his parents up into space. Then Courage ended up on the streets. Afterwards, a lady named Muriel found Courage and took him home to her home in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas, with her mean, rude, and cranky husband, Eustace Bagge. Courage is always on the watch since creepy, scary, and paranormal events happen in Nowhere, but Courage is always ready to save Muriel and kick some villain, monster, alien, or zombie butts! GO COURAGE! Written by CourageBagge {courage1999@bellsouth.net}诅咒2023公主流浪记梦幻狂杀热气球飞行家(原声版)狂飙到古代两天一夜第四季一夜五宝,三个大佬抢着当爹地无限崛起·动态漫笑傲江(1990)退休警察烦事多第一季大世界扭蛋机2和歌子酒特别篇:飞騨酒窖巡游杀手的童话粤语新豪门恩怨第二季宠物医院甜言蜜语雌雄大盗音乐人生2017再见歌舞伎町鬼上身2016帕累托的误算:社会福利机关调查员杀人事件尽管雪落老农民林冲夜奔谁杀死了小格雷戈里上海日记残团印度母亲解剖手术中的钥匙政协主席废弃小屋父亲的草原母亲的河夜魔人我们才不是兄弟呢第二季浴血黑帮 第六季少女前线 人形小剧场第二季 国语版海风吹过的乡村我的干爹是个贼辛十四娘赛车英魂(国语版)江湖水粤语哪一天我们会飞女生规则

