

主演:海瑟·格拉汉姆,犹大·刘易斯,芭芭拉·克兰普顿,布鲁斯·戴维森,乔纳森·斯卡奇,克里斯·麦基纳,J·D·埃弗摩尔,乔瓦尼·克鲁兹,安·马奥尼,约拿·雷,Graham Skipper,Brett Newton,Hunter Womack,Drake Malone,Kim Barnard











  Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and the world at her fingertips. Now, she finds herself locked up inside a psych ward after the murder of a young male patient to whom she had an inexplicable, almost otherworldly attraction. Hoping to clear her name, Elizabeth confides in her doctor and recounts what happened, giving way to a bizarre and disturbing tale of sexual madness, supernatural horror, and homicidal rage. The deeper the story goes, the more unhinged and carnage-laden life becomes, not just for Elizabeth but for everyone in her path.  In this cinematic love letter to the late, great horror filmmaker Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond), the go-for-broke indie veteran Joe Lynch provides an unpredictable and delightfully perverted gift to fans of everything from erotic thrillers to body horror and H.P Lovecraft-minded cosmic mayhem. Written by Re-Animator scribe Dennis Paoli, produced by ‘80s horror maven Brian Yuzna (Society), and co-starring Re-Animator MVP Barbara Crampton, Suitable Flesh will be catnip for those who like their horror equal parts classically minded and progressively unclassifiable.飞侠哥顿1980尤金李维的宅老爹旅行第一季非常目击我的女儿少了一些人神犬小巴迪大唐英豪之大漠秋水跟随旋律吸血鬼学院2014食梦者2015冷面狙击手真情假爱茶煲表哥第三季动态漫画·绝世古尊第二季传承叶七月七日回魂夜特工千金掉马了苏梅之歌致命穿越我,莱昂纳多一不小心捡到爱街市英雄国语瑞克和莫蒂第四季这就是僵尸吗?第二季致敬大师:单口喜剧传奇惊涛大冒险(粤语版)盲女72小时变形幽灵且行且珍惜2016暗夜守护者:头奖守护BOSS走出国门杀出个黎明第一季隐世狼女第二季妒忌飞侠小白龙(国语版)再见初恋替嫁娇妻又凶又野各取所需三次元女友 第二季一九四二2012希德尼娅的骑士 编织爱的行星暑期何漫漫不良教育2004

