

主演:尼科·桑托斯,Kirstin Maldonado,Scott Hoying,Pentatonix







  Superstar a capella group Pentatonix is struggling to find inspiration for their annual holiday album, and the clock is ticking. To make matters worse, their well-intentioned but misguided manager mistakenly locks them in a magic mailroom. But with the help of some Disney magic, we're soon on a whirlwind tour around the world, discovering holiday traditions and inspiration from Pentatonix fans all around the globe: from Tokyo to Grenada, Ghana to Mexico and Iceland. The fun-filled journey leads the group to realize that wherever we find ourselves, the holidays offer the perfect opportunity to discover how much we have in common and that it really is a small world after all.神探南茜第三季工作细胞 国语版私人订制海贼王剧场版Z八廓南街16号喋血钱塘江女武神的餐桌第一季开放关系青春珊瑚岛间谍亚契第十季野火春风斗古城大话之少年游谎言背后狂暴少帅人设超人前传第一季月亮之光二十岁之恋1962重庆崽豆柴小犬 望乡篇掌门低调点动态漫画第2季樱野3加1永不独行无法坦诚相对九门八甲忍者启示录紫罗兰永恒花园OVA奈克瑟斯奥特曼剧场版你让我雄起爱填满空白2旧情照相馆十月秘社切尔诺贝利:深渊双宝来袭,总裁爹地追妻忙金玉满堂1995蜘蛛侠3我的朋友很少OAD干将莫邪之英雄荣耀非正式会谈第五季名校风暴第一季战争游戏:极日离婚当天,傲娇总裁狠狠爱

