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Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her. Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army. S... (展开全部)   Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her. Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army. She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son. Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist. She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up. Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother. Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her.特工卡特 第二季越界火速大行动喜羊羊与灰太狼之漫镜头明日之子第一季侠盗罗宾汉97分钟水舞熟食店的人无主之躯·起源深渊2018北冥仙帝琴场高手之灵魂暴走池总的全能娇妻飒爆了法律与秩序(英版)第七季猎狼者SPEC:天佛罗伦萨迷宫新扎师姐3:百分百型警一路风雨一世情中国诗词大会第四季当你向我走来命运连结阿迪普鲁什房间2003平安是福春光灿烂猪八戒2002爱的奇迹2023偷拍的录像带女神异闻录5 动画版 Dark Sun…世界之王隐形战队国语热血新仔2产科医生好鬼两个半2鬼王争霸哈啰!毛小孩兽人战争我们的法兰西岁月吃人爸妈夜凛神探第二季




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