

主演:托碧·波塞尔 Toby Poser,泽尔达·亚当斯,John Adams







  In film, carnivals tend to be sceneries prone to terror. That mysterious environment allows the Adams to play with the manias of Seven, Maggie and Eve, a family of carnies whose hobbies are presenting a show around the US and committing crimes all around the country during the Depression. When one of the killings goes wrong, young Eve is forced to steal a devilish artifact in order to save her parents. This is only a part of the latest insanity by this trio of filmmakers, who once again provide the best example of the DIY model—not only do they direct the film, they also write, produce, edit, star in and musicalize it. We welcome you once more to the Adams family’s blood-drenched universe.孤独的我生命之轮99.9:刑事专业律师 -完全新作SP 全新的相遇篇~宇宙护卫队之超甲恐龙队事物的摆动地下世界第一季旦丁回来的女儿2022黑金危机神探POWER之問米追兇血染雪山堡那年夏天雍正王朝TEN:姬密特攻肮脏游戏敢ZUO敢为女声秀一见倾心心网大侦探第八季名侦探俱乐部飞越十八层粤语每天爱你8小时粤语海军罪案调查处第八季罗格河校园大逃杀余额不足七大罪 怨嗟的爱丁堡逃跑的新郎饭局狼人杀欢乐一家亲第六季千金归来之真千金她又美又飒冲撞2009龙娘七七七埋藏的宝藏青春纪录七大罪怨嗟的爱丁堡后篇再见阿郎伯爵夫人的耳环JOJO的奇妙冒险OVA不良番长 野良犬机动队深触我心重生之凤凰涅槃哥斯拉1998石纪元鲁邦三世VS猫眼三姐妹

