

主演:Lynette Walden,克里斯·马尔基,Paul Ganus,Jaime Gomez,Morton Downey Jr.,Brook Susan Parker,George Shannon,Anders Hove,Kamar de los Reyes,Reid Cruickshanks,Ava Dupree,Stephen P. Hart,Cole S. McKay,Jacqueline Jacobs,Scott Kraft







  Lynette Walden and Chris Mulkey star in this action-packed ride through the sexy and dangerous world of flesh for sale and murder for hire. Harley-riding Angel (Lynette Walden) plays to win in her fight against a slavery and prostitution ring that abuses young runaways — It’s a life-and-death game in which video-games hold the clues, and the only way to win is to kill without conscience. The chill of each killing drives Angel into the arms of anonymous lovers — a desperate attempt for affection — but her ex-boyfriend George (Chris Mulkey) is watching … In a demented rage he stalks her through her steamy video-arcade reality. But when the game is over and the high score is counted, will Angel be able to walk away?蝙蝠侠大战罗宾童话镇第五季曾经是兄弟:罗比·罗伯特森与乐队妙警贼探第二季太平镇之迷失异镇英雄好汉粤语军械库:历史上的武器第一季混混天团战至巅峰第二季牵着手,看夕阳西下街童橘衫男子第一季迷盲2020功夫(粤语版)_郓城攻坚战黑白来看守所第二季王者归来隔山有眼英雄无泪粤语十七岁的雨季星际迷航:发现号 第一季五星圣诞新生死亡格斗再见枕边人 国语娘家的故事之爱的代价穷途末路的我们 番外篇冒险兄弟第三季锅盖头战地神探第七季江山美人1959虎猛警师索尼娅与公牛昏婚欲睡给你,我的新名片亏成首富从游戏开始法兰克福香肠黑色弥撒绅士爱美人豪门恩怨1991灌篮燃新番 明星篇第一季异形战争未来小姐

