

主演:玛琳·阿克曼,杰克·唐纳利,Celine Arden









  Two childhood friends get more than they bargained for when they inadvertently agree to play against each other in a deadly game of live and death called "Us or Them." - After Jude wins a luxury holiday on a mobile game app, he takes his friends and family with him including childhood BFF Andy. The two are invited to meet with a mysterious woman called The Officiator, who offers them the chance to win $20 Million if they agree to play a simple game. Eager to get his hands on the money, Jude convinces Andy to play but inadvertently signs the duo up for a deadly game called "Us or Them" where failure to agree on decisions will have dire consequences to not just Jude and Andy, but the family they have brought along with them on the trip.末代天师国语随心所欲(2016)孤独的人2009喜剧王中王·前任归来缉魔终极天堂金小气家族:花城热恋(电影版)待绽蔷薇穿越麦田罪孽深种紫禁之巅绝壁逢生国语发胶整形归来3:前世今生揭秘:玛雅鲜血之城八路军双重追捕血拼金三角封神传奇僧探慈心爱的捆绑1994难破MG5特别篇伟大的转折不装了,假千金就是我肥猫寻亲记之明天会更好国语灵魂拍档邪密满屋:印度家族集体死亡案在神酒诊所干杯魔神狼(2013)妻子的浪漫旅行 治愈加长版女汤疯狂夏令营栋仁的时光粤语我的同桌是极品2尸前想后大河2006紧急救援实录妖法连续杀人鬼青蛙男媒婆屌丝女士 第二季简易美食挑战赛:家常菜大比拼

